Gender Equality
The Basic Act for a Gender-Equal Society states, “it has become a matter of urgent importance to realize a Gender Equal society in which men and women respect each other’s human rights and share responsibilities, and every citizen is able to fully display their individuality and ability regardless of gender.” and “it is positioned as the most important issue in determining the framework of 21st century Japan”. Based on this Act, we are moving towards a society that offers opportunities in which all people are able to express their own abilities regardless of gender, and can participate on an equal footing across a range of sectors. At Kyushu University, since our foundation in 1911, we have constantly respected creativity and diversity, and have strived to increase knowledge, based on an uninhibited academic environment. We aim to be a University that respects human rights and as such have defined a basic philosophy regarding the promotion of gender equality, as follows.
・We will raise awareness and distribute information about gender equality ・We will improve both the work-life balance and the learning and employment environment ・We will promote education and research that respects diversity, including international perspectives ・We will promote gender equality in proposals and decision-making processes |
In “Gender Equality in Kyushu University”, the basic policy to achieve our philosophy is summarized.
As a business plan of general business operations based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, Kyushu University has implemented “Action plan for the Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children in National University Corporation Kyushu University”. This is to support faculty and administrative staff so that they can balance their work and parenting. Furthermore, the University also implemented business plans as general business operations based on the laws regarding the promotion of women’s success in their work life to promote their further advancement in the workplace. Please check the Office for Promotion of Gender Equality website for details.
○System for promoting gender equality
In AY 2004, the University established the Office for the Promotion of Gender Equality and has been engaged in ongoing support for the planning and implementation of specific measures relating to the promotion of gender equality, as well as PR and awareness activities. In April 2009, the University established the Gender Equality Promotion Committee, with members including the deans of the various schools and faculties.
In AY 2013, the system of selecting staff for the Office for the Promotion of Gender Equality was revised, with staff being selected by each school, institute and faculty, rather than by the Campus Council, as had been the case hitherto. The goal of this move was to facilitate closer cooperation with each school, institute and faculty while promoting gender equality in a more consistent manner throughout the University. In addition, the Office was reorganized into three: the Planning, PR, and Environmental Improvement Division, the Student Education Division, and the Female Researchers' Support Division.
Furthermore, since AY 2014, the University has deployed to the Office full-time faculty members who specialize in gender equality, gender studies, and career development issues, etc, with a view to further strengthening our system for promoting gender equality.
In line with the university-wide revision of committees, from May 2021, members of the Office for the Promotion of Gender Equality make up the “Gender Equality Promotion Committee”.
○Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology subsidized project
In AY 2007, the University was selected for the “Fostering Project of Female Researcher Support Model”, a program providing financial support for human resource development in the field of science and technology. The work-life balance support system began operations. When the University was selected for the “System for Fostering Female Researchers to Accelerate Reforms” in AY 2009, we took this opportunity to establish Kyushu University’s unique system to hire and foster outstanding female faculty members. We have new female only faculty positions, international recruitment for females only and we are conducting a highly transparent two-step screening. Up until March 2019, 50 female faculty members took up their new post and are active in their roles.
In AY 2015, the University was selected for inclusion in the Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Distinctive Features Type), a program providing financial support for human resource development in the field of science and technology. Through this program, we are improving the environment to support female researchers in balancing work and personal responsibilities such as a System of Employment of Faculty Members with Accompanying Spouses. In addition, we are undertaking initiatives to raise awareness among male faculty and administrative staff, enhance the research capabilities of female researchers, visualizing their activities, expanding their numbers, and encouraging the appointment of female researchers to senior posts.
In AY 2019, the University was selected for inclusion in the Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Advanced Type) and started Diversity and the Super Global Training Program for Female and Young Faculty (SENTAN-Q). This targets young female young faculty members with a promising future and helps them to develop the highest level of practical research and educational abilities in the world. As of December 2023, the fifth-year students have been selected and are undergoing training. In AY 2021, the University was selected for inclusion in the subsidized program entitled, “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Survey and Analysis Type)” (Period: AY 2021 - 2022). Along with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, we conducted international surveys regarding the promotion of female researchers’ activities based on the Women's Empowerment Index.
Project organization chart of the Promotion of Gender Equality of Kyushu University
○Research support
A range of research support is offered, primarily to female researchers, to help researchers to secure time for their research and to revitalize their research activities amid the demands of life events such as giving birth, bringing up children, and caring for family members, as well as commitments to activities that contribute to society.
[Examples of support]
- 1. Support for employment of research assistants (short-term)
- This provides support for the cost of employing a research assistant for researchers experiencing difficulty in securing time for their research due to making a contribution to society, giving birth, raising children, or caring for family members, etc. Since AY 2016, support for single fathers has begun.
- Support for employing a research assistant (support while professors and associate professors are bringing up children)
- This provides support for the cost of employing a research assistant for up to two years for professors and associate professors who have given birth after taking up a post at the University
- Support for women returning after maternity/parental leave
- This provides support for research expenditure, etc. for female researchers who have returned to work and are conducting research after having suspended their research for three months or more due to giving birth or bringing up children
○Work-life balance support
1.On-site nursery
In order to ensure an improved working and learning environment for faculty members at the University, we opened three on-site nurseries at the University in 2009.In AY2012, they began providing meals for the children in their care. Tanpopo nursery was merged into Himawari nursery at the Hospital Campus due to the relocation of the campus in AY 2015. The nurseries were opened as non-registered day-care facilities to assist staff members and students of the University who cannot find places for their children in state nurseries on returning from maternity leave.
The nurseries can be used not only on a monthly basis, but also to provide temporary care.
An outline of each nursery is given below. Please see the On-site Nursery page on the Gender Equality website for details of fees, etc.
*Himawari Nursery (Hospital Campus)
Eligibility: | Children aged from 57 days up until they enter primary school, who are being brought up by a staff/faculty member or student. |
Details of care: | Details of care: Basic care (7.00-18.00), extended care (18.00-22.00), overnight care (Wednesdays only), Temporary care (7.00-22.00), children recovering from illness (7.00-18.00) |
Capacity: | 75 children |
*Takenoko Nursery (Ito Campus)
Eligibility: | Children aged from 57 days up until they enter primary school, who are being brought up by a staff/faculty member or student. |
Details of care: | Basic care (7.00-18.00), extended care (18.00-22.00), temporary care (7.00-22.00) |
Capacity: | 60 children |
2. Baby sitter support
The University issues “childcare dispatching business discount coupons”. This covers a part of the fee for using a baby sitter and it is to support faculty and administrative staff to balance work and parenting.
Please check the office for the Promotion of Gender Equality website for more details.
○System of Employment of Faculty Members with Accompanying Spouses
The System of Employment of Faculty Members with Accompanying Spouses was introduced in FY 2017. The purpose was to recruit and retain truly outstanding researchers by hiring husbands and wives who are both researchers who wish to live together at the same time or consecutively. Please refer to the office for the Promotion of Gender Equality website for more details. ( Inquiries can be made to the Human Resource section of your department as well.
○Remote working system
Among faculty members who are applicable for Discretionary working hours for specialist employment (including fixed-term faculty members, faculty members with annual salary schemes, and special fixed-term faculty members), a new system which allows them to work remotely was established since April 1, 2020. The purpose is to support them in their work-life balance by lessening the workload during pregnancy, child-rearing and care giving. Please refer to the office for the Promotion of Gender Equality website for more details. ( Inquiries can be made to the Human Resource section of your department as well.
○Public relations activities
At the office for the Promotion of Gender Equality, since October 2006, a “Newsletter” (“SANKAKU”-revised name since AY 2021) has been published and distributed to inform people about the office activities and to increase awareness of faculty, administrative staff and students on campus. Furthermore, since March 2016, an academic newsletter “Polymorfia” has been issued to spread information which contributes to the promotion of diversity by accepting posts from off-campus in addition to introduction of activities on-campus. Regarding the details of activities in general, the office for the Promotion of Gender Equality website also has information in addition to what is mentioned above.