
The University Library

Educational support

○Organization of student resources

*Recommended books/designated books
[Recommended books for students]

Faculty members are requested to recommend books to be kept at the Library buildings for student use. The Libraries on each Campus will ask you for recommendations once or twice, usually between summer and fall. It is hoped that you will cooperate in this way.

[Designated books]

Faculty members are asked to designate books related to their lectures during the following academic year that are required reading for students. These are placed in a designated reference corner (for use only in the Libraries). The Libraries on each Campus will ask you for recommendations once or twice, usually between fall and winter. It is hoped that you will cooperate in this way. (Some Libraries do not offer this service).

*Books containing syllabus materials

The Library purchases reference books that are on the syllabus and makes them available in the relevant Campus Library. (The Library will pick these books up from syllabus lists, so no paperwork is required).

*Book Purchase Request

The Library accepts requests for the location of other books in the designated reference corner at any time. If you know of books you would like your students to read, please submit a request via the Library website.
(Some libraries accept requests only from students)

The University Library website  Library website Login > My Page > Book Purchase Request

○Support for classes


Library staff regularly provide workshops on how to search for literature, how to organize literature, how to use databases and so on. Also, a tailor-made workshop is provided on how to use the library and search literature upon request as to time and contents. Requests and queries are accepted at any time. Videos of lectures, handouts and e-learning materials are available on Kyushu University Moodle “Kyushu University Library” course (login is required and only for on-campus personnel). For more details please see Library website Library website > Study&Education > Education (for faculty members) > Lectures

○Educational support

As well as developing materials for use by students, Kyushu University Library supports educational activities by offering a range of facilities and equipment tailored to a variety of forms of teaching and learning. The Library is working on expanding its support to meet the needs of specific classes and forms of education, by such means as offering on-demand workshops and compiling a learning guide. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any specific requests.

* Learning Guide - Cute. Guides

It provides references for every study theme and useful information such as how to write reports, a graduation thesis, how to use literature research tools, how to find precedents, etc.

*Library TA (Cuter)

At the Central Library, Science and Technology Library, and Medical Library, graduate students (and, in the case of undergraduate schools in which the minimum period required to complete a degree is six years, fifth- and sixth-year undergraduate students) act as TAs to provide educational support, including offering advice on learning and preparing learning guides.

★Want to know more
◆Contact Us
  •  [Contact by telephone and email]
    See the contact information for each library in the Outline to the Library.