

KIKAN Education

Standing by the principles of humanity, social responsibility, global citizenship, and advancement of knowledge espoused in the Kyushu University Education Charter, this university aims to produce personnel who can play a leading role in a variety of fields in Japan, and play an active part in Asia and the wider world, thereby contributing to development, both within Japan and across the globe. Moreover, the mid-term objectives state that the university "will pursue the formation of human resources that have rich knowledge, skills and humanity as well as the international perspectives, and can actively continue lifelong learning at a high level," in order to achieve the mission and ideals stated in the Education Charter.

With this in mind, Kyushu University launched its KIKAN Education curriculum for new entrants in the 2014 academic year, with the aim of providing basic learning that creates new knowledge and skills, educates students about "ways of looking at and thinking about things, and ways of learning," which are the cornerstone of efforts to solve uncharted problems, and cultivating active learners who will continue to learn independently throughout their lives

The KIKAN Education curriculum has been constructed as a system for creating the foundations that will support the growth of learning as it continues from students' initial years at university, through their undergraduate and graduate education, and onwards once they become working members of society. Rather than locking students into one specialist discipline, it promotes the exchange of diverse knowledge with others who have different values, emphasizing learning based on the dialogue of ideas "open to other people and situations," creating new knowledge, as well as "education with a high regard for process," in which students learn from mistakes and failure.

Moreover, the KIKAN Education curriculum is organized in such a way as to ensure consistency with the degree programs of each undergraduate school, which are based on human resource development, and seeks to deepen expertise through interaction with the departmental education of these schools.


The composition of the KIKAN Education curriculum is as follows:

KIKAN Education seminar, collaborative task-focused subject, language/culture subject, humanities subject, science subject, cybersecurity subject, health/sports science subject, general studies, KIKAN Education subject for students in higher years

○Completion method

Each undergraduate department requires students to acquire 36 credits in KIKAN Education subjects during their first year, and 12 credits from their second year.