JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists aims to foster and secure innovative researchers who will be the leaders of the future. Those who are selected as “JSPS Fellows” receive financial incentives for their research.
These researchers may also be granted grants-in-aid for scientific research (Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows).
JSPS Fellows are selected after a two-stage documment assesment.
The application has a big impact on screening so it is important for academic advisors to take the initiative in instructing students on selecting material.
*Schedule of the screening process (PD, DC)
The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science usually calls for applications in early February and ends in early June (however the deadline at the University is set before that).
The initial selection results are posted in early October and as for the results of the secondary selection, it will be by early January.
Selections are decided on April 1.