Animal experimentation
In our country, the “Act on Welfare and Management of Animals (the Law of Humane Treatment and Management of Animals)” was revised in June 2005. In article 41, it outlines principles of proper animal experimentation using the “3R´s” - Replacement (Using alternative methods) Reduction (Reducing the number of animals provided for such use) and Refinement (Minimizing the pain and distress to the animal) have become obligations.
“Rules on animal experimentation at Kyushu University” requires the proper care for animals used in experimentation (education, training, registration of experimenters, health check, screening process of animal experimentation plan, responsibilities of experimenters, etc.).
When caring for, keeping and conducting animal experimentation at the University, handle them properly and manage them by following the related regulations, “Rules on animal experimentation at Kyushu University”, “Regulations on animal experimentation at Kyushu University” as well as rules within the department where you conduct the experiment.
○On-campus rules
Rules on animal experimentation at Kyushu University
Regulations on animal experimentation at Kyushu University
○Experimental animals
The “Rules on animal experimentation at Kyushu University” covers mammals, birds and reptiles that are bred or kept for experimental purposes on University premises. (Animals belonging to the category of amphibians and fish are treated the same as mammals, birds and reptiles.)
○Education and training
Those who conduct animal experiments are required to go through training beforehand. After the initial training, they need to go through the same training once every five years.Without receiving necessary training, animal experiments cannot be conducted.
After finishing the training, please submit an “Application form for registering as experimenters of animal experiments” to the president. After being registered, “Registration certificates for experimenters of animal experiments” will be issued.
○Approval process of animal experiments
To conduct animal experiments, approval from the president is required beforehand. The responsible personnel of animal experiments prepare a design for an experiment and after being screened and approved by the animal experiment committee of the department, the design for the experiment needs to be submitted to the president through the head of the department. The design for the experiment is to be screened by the designated animal experiment committee (university-wide) which is designated by the president, and the result of the screening is to be notified to the responsible personnel of experiments through the head of the department. Only faculty members of the University (professors, associate professors, lecturers, assistant professors and research associates) can be the responsible personnel of animal experiments.
At Kyushu University, applying for and changing the designs of animal experiments can be done via an electronic application system. Please use this system.
○Procedures of approval for facilities to keep animals and laboratories
Facilities where animals for experiments (experimental animal facilities) are kept and laboratories where animal experiments conducted need to be approved by the president beforehand. Before you apply for approval, the senior safety director of animal experiments of the department checks the facility. After that the head of the department (chief administrator) who manages the facility submits the document below to the president. The animal experiment committee (university-wide) designated by the president conducts inspections, and the president notifies the department head of the results. Only faculty members of the University (professors, associate professors, lecturers, assistant professors and research associates) can be the responsible personnel for the management of the facilities and laboratories under the chief administrator.
- 1. Experimental animal facilities
・Application for approval of facilities to keep animals for experiments (set-up and change)
・Layout and floor plan of the facility - 2. Laboratories
・Application for approval of the Biomedical Experiment Institute (set-up and change)
・Layout and floor plan of the laboratory
- * Those who wish to be the chief administrator of experimental animal facilities need to take “Training for the chief administrator of animal experiments”.. If you wish to take the training, please contact the Environmental Management Section, Environmental Safety Management Division, General Affairs Department.
- * When conducting animal experiments which last longer than 48 hours, you need to apply at the experimental animal facility not the Biomedical Experiment Institute.
- * If dead animals are used for the experiment, there is no need to apply at the Biomedical Experiment Institute.
At Kyushu University, applying for and changing the application for experimental animal facilities and laboratories can be done via an electronic application system. Please use this system.
○Other occasions which require submitting an application when conducting animal experiments
- (1) Experiments involving genetic modification
When conducting experiments involving genetic modification, a design of experiment involving genetic modification must be submitted to the president beforehand for approval. - (2) Experiments involving the administration of narcotics or psychotropic drugs to animals as anesthetics, etc.
- ・Animal experiments using Ketamine (Ketalar) or other narcotics require a separate license for research using narcotics. Applications for such licenses can be submitted through the administrative office of your department to the Fukuoka Prefectural Governor (responsible office: Fukuoka Prefecture, Department of Health, Medical Services and Care for the Elderly, Pharmaceutical Administration Division, Narcotics Section).
- ・When laboratories use psychotropic medications such as midazolam and buprenorphine in animal experiments, the laboratories need to be registered as psychotropic pharmaceutical laboratory research facilities.. If the facilities are not registered as psychotropic pharmaceutical laboratory research facilities, application should be submitted via the administration office of the department to the Kyushu Health and Welfare Bureau (department in charge: Narcotics Regulatory Division, Kyushu Health and Welfare Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare).
- 3. When installing equipment in a laboratory that requires notification to the Labor Standards Inspection Office. (Including when changes need to be made)
- ・Notification may be required to the appropriate Labor Standards Inspection Office when installing equipment such as autoclave (pressure vessel), local exhaust ventilation (draft chamber) and an X-ray machine in a laboratory . Please submit the notification through your department office.
○Self-checks and evaluation reports regarding animal experiments
The University conducts self-checks every year regarding proper conduct of animal experiments, proper management of experimental animal facilities and the Biomedical Experiment Institute. The responsible personnel of animal experiments as well as the responsible personnel for experimental animal facilities and laboratories need to prepare a self-check report. The university-wide reports of self-checks are put together and available on the website “Animal experiments at Kyushu University”.
○Procedures for approving animal experiments and related facilities
・Electronic application system for experiments involving genetic modification
・Manuals for the implementation of animal experiments at Kyushu University (explanation about rules on animal experiments at Kyushu University)
・Manuals for the implementation of animal experiments at Kyushu University (abridged version)