

Quality Assurance in Education

○Framework of Kyushu University’s educational management

Kyushu University established the framework of Kyushu University’s education in AY 2018 as the university-wide guiding principle to promote learner-centered education. In the framework of Kyushu University’s educational management, we aim for the realization of the educational goals set for each department and major in its daily educational activities. In other words, we aim for students to achieve the learning objectives of each individual course that comprises the degree program (curriculum), so that upon graduation they have achieved the educational objectives of the entire degree program. To accomplish this goal, we organize the cycle of “goal setting, planning, implementation, evaluation, and improvement” separately at the level of degree programs and at the level of individual courses. We also establish mechanisms (systems) to ensure alignment between the two and promote enhancement of teaching content and methods to ensure that this philosophy is applied in educational settings. (See table)

Framework of Kyushu University’s educational management