Publication of educational information
The partial revisions made to the School Education Act (which came into force on 1st April 2011) have clarified those categories of educational information it is compulsory to publish. The purpose of these revisions was to ensure that universities, which are public educational organizations, should fulfill their responsibilities to society in regard to explaining their activities, while at the same time, from the perspective of improving the quality of their education, giving legal clarification to the information that must be published and promoting a further level of publication of educational information.
○Educational information for publication
The following is a list of information that universities are required to publish,
according to School Education Act Enforcement Ordinance, Article 172(2)1:
- (1)Information relating to the objectives of university education and research;
- (2)Information relating to the basic organization engaged in education and research;
- (3)Information relating to the teaching staff organization, the number of teaching staff and the degrees held by each member of the teaching staff;
- (4)The admissions policy and number of students accepted to study at the University, the University’s capacity and the number of current students, the number of students who have graduated or completed courses, and the number of these who progressed to further degrees or entered employment, and other information relating to further education or employment;
- (5)Information relating to lecture subjects, teaching methods and content, and annual teaching plans
- (6)Information relating to assessment, graduation and completion approval standards, as it relates to learning achievements;
- (7)Information relating to university land, buildings, etc., as well as facilities and other aspects of the educational and research environment provided for students;
- (8)Information relating to teaching fees, university entry costs and other fees collected by the University;
- (9)Information relating to support given by the University to students in relation to learning, future path selection and mental and physical wellbeing.
according to School Education Act Enforcement Ordinance, Article 172(2)1:
Information on the dissertation evaluation criteria stipulated in Article 14-2, Paragraph 2 of the Standards for the Establishment of Graduate Schools
At Kyushu University, all this information is published in the Kyushu University Handbook (published once per year) and on our website (see URL below).
In addition to the above, the University is required to collect and publish information that will help students in acquiring the skills and knowledge they require in line with the University objectives (School Education Act Enforcement Ordinance Article 172(2)2).