

Graduate education at Kyushu University

Graduate education at Kyushu University is handled at graduate school level (equivalent to a research department in other universities).(For details of this system, please see the section entitled “Graduate school/faculty system”). Subjects taught jointly by more than one graduate school are taught in joint lectures available to all graduate schools, which is one of the unique features of the University’s graduate education.(For further details, please see the section entitled “KIKAN Education for Graduate Schools”)

Kyushu University’s graduate education includes 18 graduate schools and four professional graduate schools. The degrees offered include master’s degrees (to students completing the first part of a doctorate course, or completing studies within an integrated doctoral program that are equivalent to the completion of a master’s course) and doctorates (to students completing the second part of a doctorate course (three year course), an integrated doctoral course (five year course) or a doctorate (four year course). In the professional graduate schools, students can be awarded a master’s degree (professional), or a legal doctorate (professional).

Graduate Educational Courses

*1 Years noted here are the standard number of years required
*2 Standard years of study for professional degree courses is two years (three in the case of Law School courses)