

Student extra-curricular activities

○Club Activities

The University is home to around 130 official University societies, as well as around 70 official departmental societies, of which a total of around 7,600 students are members. These provide a lively format for extra-curricular activities.

○Major events

*Kyushu Regional University Sports Championships (July and December)

These championships are planned as a collective event for extra-curricular sporting activities, and involve all national, public and private universities (including junior colleges) that are members of the Kyushu Area Association of University Athletic Associations. The championships are held as a festival that celebrates student sports throughout the region.

*National Sports Championships of Seven Universities (known as Nana-Dai-Sen)(December-March, June-August)

This event is known as Nana-Dai-Sen (“Seven-University Championship”), and involves the seven universities that were originally Imperial Universities (Kyushu, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Tokyo, Tohoku and Hokkaido Universities) engaging in a sports championship, hosted alternately by one university each year. The championship involves 32 events, and the universities compete with one another on an overall points basis.

The 63nd Championship will be held under the coordination of Nagoya University in 2024.

*Kyushu University Student Support Association Cultural Festival (October)

These festivals are hosted by university societies and classes, and involve faculties and research institutions being open to the public. Events involve local residents and students, as well as a range of other activities designed to promote interaction with local society. A wide range of events are held throughout the university.

*Kyushu University Festival / Art Festival (November)

Kyushu University festivals are “Student-centered festivals” meaning that the festivals are planned and operated by Kyushu university students. These festivals provide students opportunities to express themselves, as well as to spread information about Kyushu University to as many people as possible. Clubs and classes plan elaborative events.

○The role of advisory teaching staff

All societies officially approved by the university are required to appoint an advisory member of the teaching staff.

The advisors are in a position to provide appropriate guidance and advice from the perspective of mentors and collaborators under the advisory faculty guidelines for Kyushu University student societies.

Considering the increasing number of accidents involving students in extracurricular activities, when students are going on camps or expeditions, guidance and advice should be provided as necessary, such as having them submit the "Notification for Camps, Expeditions, Games, and Events" in advance.

(Reference) List of Official University Societies
*Sports-related societies (societies affiliated to the Sports Administration Department)

Aikido Society, Ice Hockey Society, Ashihara Karate Society, American Football Society, UltimateClub, Windsurfing Club, Cheerleading Society, Karate Society, Japanese Archery Society, Kendo Society, Flight Society, Hard Softball Society, Tennis Society, Hard Baseball Society, Golf Society, Cycling Club, Soccer Society, Mountaineering Society, Automobile Society, Judo Society, Semi-Hardball Baseball Society, Shorin Martial Arts Society, Shorinji Kung Fu Society, Swimming Society, Water polo Club, Squash Club, Skiing Society, Table Tennis Society, Rowing Society, Soft Tennis Society, Gymnastics Society, Cheerleading Club, Tae Kwon Do Society, Triathlon Club, Softball Society, Equestrian Society, Men’s Basketball Society, Women’s Basketball Society, Badminton Society, Men’s Volleyball Society, Women’s Volleyball Society, Women’s Handball Society, Men’s Handball Society, Fencing Society, Futsal Club, Western Archery Society, Yachting Society, Rugby Society, Men’s Lacrosse Society, Women’s Lacrosse Society, Athletics Society, Renshinkan Karate Society, Wandervogel Society, Cycling Club, Triathlon Society, Squash Club, Windsurfing Club, Water Polo Society, Cheerleading Club, Futsal Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Sports Administration Committee

*Arts-based societies

The ICPC Challenge Society, iTOP, A Capela Club, Acoustic Guitar Club, Animation Research Society, Igo Society, Itoshima Empty Homes Project, Urasenke Tea Ceremony Society, Movie Society, English Study Society, Drama Society, Music Appreciation Society, Chemistry Research Society, Café Operation Society, Environment Society, Guitar Ensemble, Quiz Society, Green Club, The Band /Jazz Research Society, International Friendship Society, Mixed Chorus, Juggling Club, Photographic Society, Hunting Club, Shogi Society, Calligraphy Society, Brass Band Club, Street Dance Club, Biology Research Society, Tap Dance Club, Adventure Society, Men's chorus, Earth Sciences Society, CHANCE, Railway Research Club, Birdmen Team, Mystery Solving, Cat Club, Band Club, Piano Club, Art Society, Hyakunin-Isshu Poetry Society, Humanoid Project, Philharmonic Orchestra, Folksong Society, Hula Dance Club, PLANET-Q, Physics Research Society, Buyo Research Society, Literature Society, Japanese Music Society, Broadcasting Research Society, Legal Advice Society, Pokémon Research Society, Volunteer Club, Magic Society, Manga Research Society, Mandolin Club, Ethnic Dance Research Society, Model Kits Club, Rakugo Research Society, Rock Research Society, Robot Competition Team, Japanese Drum, Sword Dance Society, Latin Society, Smart Brothers Research Society, Duel Masters Society, Minatozaka 46