
Health and Safety

Health and Safety Management Structures

The University’s health and safety is organized on an individual campus basis, since the University Campus is spread over such a wide area. Each project has a management structure in place, based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act and other related laws.

For the updated information, please refer to the website of the Kyushu University Office for Promotion of Environmental Management, Health, and Safety.

(1) Location of health and safety managers

    • 1. A general health and safety manager is appointed to manage issues of health and safety (all campuses, with the exception of the Hakozaki Campus and University Forests)
    • 2. A health and safety manager is appointed to prevent any technical matters, etc., that may pose a threat to health on campuses, with the exception of the Hakozaki Campus and University Forests.
    • 3. A health and safety promotion manager is appointed to prevent any technical matters, etc., that may pose danger or a threat to health on the Hakozaki Campus and University Forests.
    • 4. An industrial physician is appointed to manage the health of staff members on all campuses, with the exception of the Hakozaki Campus and University Forests.

(2) Establishment of committees, etc.

    • 1. A Health and Safety committee is convened, to inspect and consider issues relating to health and safety in each project location with the exception of the Hakozaki Campus and the University Forests.
    • 2. Maidashi Campus, Ito Center and East/West Ito Campus which are comprised of various departments have established departmental health and safety committees that operate under regional Health and Safety Committees.

(3) Establishment of an Office for Promotion of Environmental

Management, Health and Safety The Office for Promotion of Environmental Management, Health and Safety was established with the objective of providing support for University-wide health and safety and environmental conservation activities and carries out planning, proposals and implementation of University-wide health and safety-related projects.

(4) Establishment of Health and Safety Communications Panel

The Health and Safety Communications Panel is comprised of general health and safety managers, industrial physicians and others, and it typically holds an annual meeting to share information on a University-wide basis, organized by the head of the Office for Promotion of Environmental Management, Health and Safety. Health and Safety Management Structure at Kyushu University.