
Salary/Welfare allowances

Salary and allowances

The following is an explanation of the salary paid to staff at Kyushu University.

○Salary system

The types of salaries paid to staff are as shown in the table below.

Types of salary
-Basic monthly salary
-Basic salary adjustment
-Management allowance
-Initial appointment adjustment allowance
-Regional allowance
-Regional adjustment allowance
-Broad regional movement allowance
-Dependents allowance
-Housing allowance
-Commuting allowance
-Allowance for being transferred without family
-Special employment allowance
-Entrance examination allowance
-Degree thesis survey allowance
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital
-Allowance for working in designated location
-Allowance equivalent to that given for working in a designated location
-Remote allowance
-Allowance for working in cold area
-Allowance for working overtime hours
-Allowance for working on holidays
-Allowance for working at night
-Per diem allowance
-Special allowance for management
-End of term allowance
-Diligence allowance

The types of salaries paid to fixed-term staff are as shown in the table below.

Types of salary
-Daily salary or basic monthly salary
-Housing allowance
-Commuting allowance
-Special employment allowance
-Allowance for working in designated location
-Training allowance
-Allowance for working out of hours
-Allowance for working on holidays
-Allowance for working at night
-Per diem allowance
-Allowance for securing emergency physicians
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital
-End of term allowance
-Diligence allowance

Note: Regarding the above salaries, the benefits to be paid differ depending on the status of each fixed-term staff.

The types of salaries paid to part-time staff are as shown in the table below.

Types of salary
-Daily salary or hourly salary
-Commuting allowance
-Special employment allowance
-Allowance for working in designated location
-Allowance for working out of hours
-Allowance for working on holidays
-Allowance for working at night
-Per diem allowance
-Allowance for securing emergency physicians
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital

Note: Regarding the above salaries, the benefits to be paid differ depending on the status of each part-time staff.

The various types of allowances are explained below.

Type of allowance Name of allowance Details
-Lifestyle subsidy allowances
(require application)
-Dependents allowance -Paid to staff with dependent family
-Housing allowance -Paid to staff in rented accommodation
-Commuting allowance -Costs of travel to work
-Allowance for being transferred without family -Paid to staff members who are living alone apart from their spouse because of work relocation.
-Regional allowances -Regional allowance
-Regional adjustment allowance
-Paid in consideration of the cost of living in the private sector in the area in which the staff member is working
-Broad regional movement allowance -Paid to staff working in an area that involves significant travel (60km or more between transfer points)
-Allowance for working in designated location -Paid to staff working in inconvenient areas
(Miyazaki University Forest, Takahara University Farm Laboratory, and Kuju Joint Training Center)
-Allowance equivalent to that given for working in a designated location -Paid to staff working in inconvenient areas
(Miyazaki University Forest, Takahara University Farm Laboratory, and Kuju Joint Training Center)
-Allowance for working in cold area -Paid to staff working in cold areas
(Hokkaido University Forest)
-Remote allowance -Paid to staff working in remote areas
(Hokkaido University Forest)
-Allowances paid in lieu of specialist work -Basic salary adjustment -Adjustment to salary based on specialist work content
-Special employment allowance -Paid to staff members engaged in work that is significantly dangerous, uncomfortable, damaging to health or difficult, depending on the specialist work content
-Initial appointment adjustment allowance -Paid to staff required to have specialist knowledge e.g.medical
-Entrance examination allowance -Paid to staff involved in administering entrance examinations
-Degree thesis survey allowance -Paid to staff engaged in surveying degree theses
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital -Paid to those who were transferred from a hospital in Fukuoka city to Beppu Hospital for operational needs.
-Allowance for securing emergency physicians -Paid to doctors who treat patients at the Emergency and Critical Care Center.
-Training allowance -Paid to residents undergoing clinical training  
-Allowances associated with working overtime hours -Allowance for working out of hours -Paid to staff working overtime hours
-Allowance for working on holidays -Paid to staff working on holidays
-Allowance for working at night -Paid to staff working at night
-Per diem allowance -Paid to staff working overnight or day duty
-Special allowance for management -Paid to management staff working on holidays
-Allowances equivalent to bonuses -End of term allowance -Paid as a bonus to staff members
-Diligence allowance -As above (paid in response to achievements)
-Allowances for staff in management or directorial roles -Management allowance -Paid to people in management positions

Note: Staff members must register and apply for lifestyle subsidy allowances (dependents allowance, housing allowance, commuting allowance, allowance for being transferred without family)

Calculation period and payment dates of salaries are as follows.

Type of salary payment Period of salary calculation Date of payment
-Basic monthly salary
-Basic salary adjustment
-Management allowance
-Initial appointment adjustment allowance
-Regional allowance
-Regional adjustment allowance
-Broad regional movement allowance
-Dependents allowance
-Housing allowance(staff)
-Commuting allowance(staff)
-Allowance for being transferred without family
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital
-Allowance for working in designated location(staff)
-Allowance equivalent to that given for working in a designated location
-First to last day of the month -If the 21st of the month is a holiday,
-If the 21st of the month is a holiday, however, according to Article 31(5) of the Employment Rules, payment will be made on the preceding day that is not a holiday.
-Daily/hourly salary(Fixed-term contract, Part-time staff)
-Housing allowance(Fixed-term staff)
-Commuting allowance (Fixed-term contract, Part-time staff)
-Allowance for working in designated location(Fixed-term contract, Part-time staff)
-Special employment allowance
-Entrance examination allowance
-Degree thesis survey allowance
-Training allowance
-Allowance for working out of hours
-Allowance for working on holidays
-Allowance for working at night
-Per diem allowance
-Special allowance for management
-Allowance for securing emergency physicians
-Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital (part-time staff)
-First to last day of month21st of the month. -21st of the following month. If the 21st is a holiday, however, according to Article 31(5) of the Employment Rules, payment will be made on the preceding day that is not a holiday.
-End of term allowance
-Diligence allowance
  -30th June and 10th December (two days earlier if the date is a Sunday, one day earlier if it is a Saturday)
-Remote allowance   -21st November.
If that date is a holiday, however, according to Article 31(5) of the Employment Rules, payment will be made on the preceding day that is not a holiday.
-Allowance for working in cold area -First to last day of month. -21st of the month November through March.
If that date is a holiday, however, according to Article 31(5) of the Employment Rules, payment will be made on the preceding day that is not a holiday.

○Posts eligible for certain allowances

Allowances paid to staff differ depending on the post of the staff member.
The payment of allowances is as shown in the table below.

Post, etc.

Name of allowance
Fixed-term faculty
Fixed-term faculty
(Apply annual salary scale of a teaching position)  
Annual salary scheme faculty Fixed-term faculty member Faculty/
(Annual salary scheme)
Fixed-term staff Part-time staff
General education managing faculty

Specific project faculty
Donated fund laboratory faculty
Donated fund research department faculty
Joint research department faculty
Excellent Young Researcher faculty
Inamori frontier program faculty

Research professors
Visiting faculty
Research fellows
Research professors
Visiting faculty
Research fellows
Annual salary scheme Pre-reform faculty
Dependents allowance          
Housing allowance          
Commuting allowance  
Allowance for being transferred without family          
Regional allowance      
Regional adjustment allowance      
Broad regional movement allowance            
Allowance for working in designated location      
Allowance equivalent to that given for working in a designated location          
Allowance for working in cold area          
Remote allowance          
Basic salary adjustment Included in basic salary      
Special employment allowance
Initial appointment adjustment allowance          
Entrance examination allowance    
Degree thesis survey allowance    
Allowances for staff who support Beppu Hospital      
Allowance for securing emergency physicians              
Training allowance                
Allowance for working out of hours
Allowance for working on holidays
Allowance for working at night
Per diem allowance  
Special allowance for management            
End of term allowance      
Diligence allowance          
Management allowance            
  • Annual salary scheme faculty are faculty members without a specified employment period, to whom a salary is paid in accordance with the Detailed Regulations on the Application of the Annual Salary Scheme of National University Corporation Kyushu University.
  • ● Indicates that an equivalent amount is included in the basic annual salary.
  • ◆ Indicates that an equivalent amount is paid as a work-related allowance.
  • ▲ Indicates that an equivalent amount is paid as performance -related pay.
  • △ Indicates that this is paid only if staffing costs permit this expenditure.
  • ◇ Indicates that this is paid as a work-related allowance if staffing costs permit this expenditure.
  • Faculty members (annual salary scheme) with a specified employment period, to whom a salary is paid in accordance with the Rules for the Remuneration of Faculty Members (Annual Salary Scheme) of the National University Corporation Kyushu University.
  • ■ is paid to physicians and residents only.
  • □ is paid to physicians only.
  • ▣ is paid to residents only.

○Administrative procedures relating to allowances

Staff members must register and apply for lifestyle subsidy allowances (dependents allowance, housing allowance, commuting allowance, allowance for being transferred without family) Please contact the person in charge of allowance payments in your department to enquire about the application procedure.

*Dependents allowance
Staff members with family dependents must apply for dependents allowance within 15 days either of their employment, or of the date on which they become eligible for such allowances.
Staff members who lose their qualification for such allowances must also notify the University within 15 days.
1.Cases in which payment may be made

Staff members who are financially responsible for the care of any of the following people, whose annual income is under 1.3 million yen (monthly income under 108,333 yen), will be paid the designated amount.

  • a. Spouse (includes de facto spouse)
  • b. Children or grandchildren (limited to the end of the fiscal year after said child reaches the age of 22)
  • c. Parents or grandparents (over the age of 60)
    (*If a staff member is financially responsible for parents living independently and is regularly sending money to his/her parents for this reason, and if the money remitted in this way is equal to or more than one third of the total income of said parents (total income being the money remitted from the staff member and/or other family members added to the parents’ own income), such parents can be considered dependents).
  • d. Siblings (limited to the end of the fiscal year after said sibling reaches the age of 22)
  • e. Persons with severe disabilities
    (limited to those persons whose disabilities are so severe they will never be able to work)
    (*“Total annual income” means salary income, business income, income from real estate, income from pensions (Including individual pensions), and other regular income. It does not indicate the income for a calendar year (January - December), but the total amount of income for a period of a year from the date on which the staff member was employed.(For example, if a dependent began to be employed, or changed employment status (hours worked or hourly salary), from October, their annual income would be calculated as the total earned during the year from October).
    (*Dependents allowance will automatically cease to be paid in respect to children in b. and d. above, reaching the age of 22, at the end of the relevant fiscal year. No notification is required).

The following people, however, cannot be listed as dependents.

  • (1) Spouses or siblings of the staff member who are already in receipt of dependents allowances, or an equivalent payment from a private-sector company, etc.
  • If a dependent has their own income, please check regularly that this income does not exceed the limit for dependents (1.3 million yen per year, or 108,333 yen per month).
  • Furthermore, if a dependent’s employment status changes (change in hourly rate or number of hours worked, or increase in number of days worked), or they begin to be paid a monthly salary which is in excess of 108,333 yen per month, it will be possible to determine their total annual salary, and this must be reported immediately by submitting a dependents allowance notification.
  • Staff members who incur costs in order to obtain income from business, real estate, etc., or who have outgoings such as rent on land or buildings may deduct these costs, providing they are clearly incurred in the course of gaining any such income. They may not, however, deduct any expenses required for the payment of tax, entertainment or advertising, etc.
  • *Criteria for establishing income levels can change on a case-by-case basis. If you are unclear, please contact the person responsible for allowances in your department.
2. Cessation of payments

No payments will be paid during parental leave or while a staff member is suspended.
(No notification is required in these cases).

*Housing allowance
If there are changes to employment, residence or home rental costs, and a staff member fulfils the criteria for the payment of housing allowance, he or she must notify the University within 15 days of the change occurring. Staff members who lose their qualification to such allowances must also notify the University within 15 days
1.Cases in which payment may be made

Staff members in rented accommodation who meet the following three conditions may receive allowances in relation to their housing costs.
(Staff living in University accommodation are not eligible for this payment).

  • Condition 1: The member of staff (or his/her dependent family) must be the person who rented the property
  • Condition 2: The member of staff must live in the property he/she has rented
  • Condition 3: The member of staff must be paying more than 16,000 yen per month in rent for the property
  • (*In addition to the above, members of staff receiving allowance for being transferred without family may receive housing allowance for the property in which his/her spouse is residing).
2. Cessation of payments

No payments will be paid during parental leave or while a staff member is suspended.
(No notification is required in these cases).

*Commuting allowance
If there are changes to employment or place of work, or a member of staff is transferred or changes their method of commuting or route to work, he or she must notify the University within 15 days of the change occurring
1.Cases in which payment may be made

If a staff member meets both of the following conditions, depending on his/her method of commuting, a fixed payment will be made.

  • Condition 1: Minimum distance (one-way) from the staff member’s home to their workplace is 2km
  • Condition 2: The staff member commutes on public transport or using his/her own car
  • (Payments may not be made in cases where public transport is only used for a short distance).
2. Cessation of payments

If a staff member does not attend his/her workplace for a full month due to a long business trip or period of leave, the allowance will not be paid for that month.

It will not be paid during parental leave, during a sabbatical or while a staff member is suspended.
(No notification is required in these cases).

*Allowance for being transferred without family
Staff members being relocated due to transfer or change of their workplace who meet the allowance qualifications for being transferred without family, must notify the University within 15 days of the transfer occurring.
Moreover, if they were accepted to another national university corporation or national organization, they might qualify to receive this allowance. Please inquire at the Human Resources section of your department.
If a staff member in receipt of payment of allowance for being transferred without family loses his/her qualification through actually moving to the new location, or being joined by his/her spouse, or by becoming divorced, etc., he/she must notify the University.
1.Cases in which payment may be made

In cases where a staff member meets all the following conditions, a designated amount will be paid, dependent upon the distance from the residence of the staff member’s spouse to the location of the workplace.

  • Condition 1: The move takes place because of a transfer
  • Condition 2: The staff member is unavoidably required to live apart from his/her spouse
  • Condition 3: The staff member is living alone
  • Condition 4: The workplace is far enough away to make commuting from home difficult (60km or more commuting distance)
2. Unavoidable reasons

The following reasons apply to fulfilling conditions 1 and 2 above.

  • Reason 1: The staff member or his/her spouse is engaged in caring for a parent or relative living in the same house
  • Reason 2: The staff member has a child or children at home, who require continued education at their current school or other educational institution
  • Reason 3: Continuation of school attendance
  • Reason 4: The staff member’s home requires someone to live in it for maintenance reasons
  • Reason 5: Care of a relative (other than the parents of the staff member or his/her spouse) who is living separately to the staff member, but requires care giving due to illness, etc. (only in cases where the staff member’s spouse is the primary caregiver).
  • Reason 6:The staff member has a child or children at home who are receiving medical treatment from a designated institution
  • Reason 7: The staff member is receiving medical treatment from a designated institution
  • Reason 8: The staff member is registered at a school, etc.
  • Reason 9: Transferred to the property in order to manage the home (only in cases where the staff member’s spouse, etc., is not available to manage the property)
  • Reason 10: Other reason equivalent to 1-9 above.
3. Cessation of payments

The allowance will not be paid during parental leave, during a sabbatical or while a staff member is suspended.
(No notification is required in these cases).

Note: Staff members must register and apply for dependents allowance, housing allowance, commuting allowance and allowance for being transferred without family. Staff members becoming eligible or losing eligibility for, or having a change of status in regard to these allowances must notify the University within 15 days of their change of status.